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Sunday Worship: 9:30AM / Livestream on YouTube


Washington D.C. SERVE

Serve is about joining with God in the renewal of all things. Every year, all across North America, hundreds of students and youth workers feel the call to say, “Here I am Lord, send me.” Serve exists to bring heaven to earth (“Thy Kingdom come.”) by pairing these student and leader workforce with churches and communities from all over North America, to go out and serve, care for and assist these communities. Through Christ’s death and resurrection, a new age of redemption and reconciliation has dawned. Every year, the impact is amazing and transformation is the outcome for all of the communities, congregations and students involved.


Pease CRC has been sending kids on SERVE projects for over 20 years. The kids will tell you what an amazing experience it is. You should ask them!


Last year, Pease CRC SERVED in Redlands, California. It was a great experience, giving us a great perspective on our health, wealth and community. Helping local organizations and people in the area opened our eyes as to what we can do when we trust God and "help our neighbor".


This year 14 youth and four adults will be going to Muskegon, Michigan to SERVE. If anyone wishes for more information, please contact Dylan Moorlag.