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Legacy Foundation

Welcome to the Pease CRC Legacy Foundation


Honoring God's Blessings Through Financial Stewardship

At Pease Christian Reformed Church, we believe in the power of giving and the importance of using the blessings God has bestowed upon us to further His work. Established in 2018, the Legacy Foundation is dedicated to promoting financial stewardship within our congregation and fulfilling the divine directive from Proverbs 3:9: “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops".

Our legacy is here to help you make a lasting impact through your generosity. By contributing to our three distinct funds, you can support vital aspects of our church's mission and ministry. Here's how you can make a difference: 

Our Funds
  • Building Fund: This fund is designated for capital building projects and unusual maintenance and repairs to our church's facilities. Your support ensures that our church remains a welcoming and functional space for worship and community activities.
  • Ministries Fund: Supporting special ministry projects that enhance our community impact, this fund allows us to undertake initiatives that reach and serve those in need, extending the love and message of Christ beyond our church walls. 
  • Missions Fund: This fund is dedicated to supporting both long-term and short-term mission activities sponsored by our church. Your contributions help us spread the Gospel and offer assistance where it's most needed, both locally and globally. 

Each year, we are able to utilize up to 5% of the balances in the Missions and Ministries Funds to support ongoing initiatives and projects, ensuring a sustained impact from your generous contributions. 

Why Give? 

By supporting the Pease CRC Legacy Foundation, you're participating in a tradition of stewardship that reflects our commitment to honoring God with our wealth. Your gifts help us to build, grow, and reach out in meaningful ways, making a lasting difference in our community and beyond. 

Get Involved

We invite you to join us in this journey of faith and stewardship. The church accepts gifts of any size from those who wish to contribute, and such gifts can be dropped off at church or made through the giving app. Your support plays a crucial role in fulfilling our mission and sustaining our impact. If you have any questions or would like more information on how to contribute, please reach out to our foundation trustees: 

Foundation Trustees:

  • Sadie Ash
  • Steve Hubers
  • Doug Brink
  • Marla Ruis
  • Kevin Koppendrayer
  • Ryan Manke

Thank you for your generosity and for being a vital part of the Pease CRC Legacy Foundation. Together, we are honoring God's blessings and making a lasting impact in His name. 


Give to the Pease CRC Legacy Foundation here: Giving App